At some point, folks, you just have to live.
“Iceland, one of the world's most heavily vaccinated countries, had a day whose U.S. equivalent would have been 100,000 new cases, state epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason is now throwing up his hands.
“let us tolerate the infection," he adds. "We need to somehow navigate this way, and we are now in this, not to get too many serious illnesses so that the hospital system does not collapse, but still try to achieve this herd immunity by letting the virus somehow run."
In the UK, scientists are now voicing a similar pessimism about herd immunity brought about by vaccines.
According to The Telegraph, "The delta variant has wrecked any chance of herd immunity, a panel of experts including the head of the Oxford vaccine team said as they called for an end to mass testing so Britain can start to live with Covid.
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