Josh Scandlen
News • Business • Education
Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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March 26, 2024

Any thoughts on the Vanguard Target funds? Target funds are the set it and forget it option to retirement with automatic changes to your portfolio allocations of stocks and bonds over time.

I found the glide path graphic below from the Vanguard website at <> interesting.

I'm not a big fan of foreign stocks and bonds due to their low historic returns, but the eggheads at Vanguard are probably right in that they provide diversification against US market losses.

At <> Vanguard is predicting foreign stocks will outperform domestic ones over the next 10 years. I wonder how accurate Vanguard's market forecasts have been in the past.

I find it interesting that the final portfolio allocation of their Retirement Income fund doesn't kick in until ~10 years into retirement and the chart assumes the retirement age of 65.

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No Live Stream tonight

I'm interviewing Edward McQuarrie who is professor Emeritus over at Santa Clara. He had written one of the best investment pieces of all time which we'll dive into during our interview.

I'm going to post it here first, for 24 hours before I post it to Youtube.

Got some other pretty interesting interviews coming up as well. But not on Wednesdays so we'll be back to doing Livestreams next week.

Thanks guys!

April 23, 2024
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