Josh Scandlen
News • Business • Education
Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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Rich Men North of Mexico

By Owen Benjamin

“I rewrote “rich men north of Richmond” to reflect chrisrian values and a Protestant American work ethic. I did it in 10 minutes on a livestream and it’s far superior to the whiny ginger @AintGottaDollar
Same stupid 4 chords from every song in history.

I’m blessed with a soul
I love working all day
Living my life
Here another day

I can provide for my family
watch my children play
Fill my my lungs with air
And I’m here to say

It’s amazing
What the worlds come to
For people like me and people like you
I can’t believe what I can do
With a bag of seeds and friends like you
But it is oh it is
Living in the true world
With my own soul 

Whispers of the devil try and scare us away
But we know god has total control
He knows what you think he knows what you do
Blessing each day all the thru 

The lies are all the shit
And they have no end
Forked tunes spitting them out
Despair is their friend
They’re digging their hole
Well not for me

I’m honored I get to carry the flame
Of all the men that came before me
Survived war, famine, and fear
And still loved their babies
Whispers of the devil try and scare us away
We know gods in total control
He knows what you think knows what you do
Blessing each day all the way thru
Living in the true world
W my own soul 

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Ed McQuarrie talks the REAL History of Stocks and Bond performance.

Hey Conservative Christians!

This is what your unwavering support of Israel gets ya.


You sure we’re supporting the right people?

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