Josh Scandlen
News • Business • Education
Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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Bots are in Abundance

My take on the song Rich Men... really triggered some folks. No one here, I want to emphasize. It's okay if we don't agree on EVERYTHING!

A lot of those people are bots, I'm convinced. Never seen 'em before on my channel and yet, somehow, out of nowhere, they find My video with only 3k views and smother the comments. It's funny.

I remember when Rush Limbaugh investigated the people who were trying to take him down. Turns out there were only ten people or so who controlled an amazing amount of "accounts" that were used to try to steer advertisers away. It was all astroturf bots, and this was back in the early 2000s.

The bots are everywhere and they serve one purpose and one purpose only, to instigate drama. Why? Because drama keeps you engaged.

Disagreement is fine. But man, don't get caught in the bots trap. I know I can. And sometimes I just have to pull myself away even though I don't want to. But it's the only way to deal with em.

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Hey Conservative Christians!

This is what your unwavering support of Israel gets ya.


You sure we’re supporting the right people?

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