Josh Scandlen
News • Business • Education
Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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I have TWO Days, that's it!

Allright amigos. We have a tradition in Chez Scandlen that when my kids are in high school I take them for a short trip to some place, just one on one with me!

I took my oldest to see the Bruins vs. the Habs in Boston for the Winter Classic . I took Chloe to Western Washington to see where that one movie about vampires was made.

This year, in just a couple weeks, I'm taking my third, Cavan, up to Traverse City. I've never been to Michigan and can't flippin' wait!

Talked to a guy today who said make sure I go to Sleeping Bear Dunes. Which looks AWESOME! But we only have a couple days.

Need recommendations on other things.

I'm gonna fly into Grand Rapids. And drive over to Holland and then drive up 31
and over to Traverse City.

Open to ideas. Let me know. But remember I only have a limited amount of time.


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