Then why does the CDC say this:
“For children aged 2 to 6 years, apply no more than a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to the brush and supervise their tooth brushing, encouraging the child to spit out the toothpaste rather than swallow it. Until about age 6, children have poor control of their swallowing reflex and frequently swallow most of the toothpaste placed on their brush.”
Yet, go ahead and drink all the water you can...with fluoride in it. No problem there. And I'M the crazy one?
Ed McQuarrie talks the REAL History of Stocks and Bond performance.
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This article shows people are pulling money out of mutual funds and putting it into index funds an example is VOO. Also Vanguard Primecap and Core fund opened the fund due to them both because of money being pulled out. INDEX ETF's way to go tax efficient and low expenses