Josh Scandlen
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Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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India Gets It!

A good example of Greenpeace’s notions of “sustainable development” relates to the case of the village of Dharnai in India’s poorest state (Bihar) severely lacking access to electricity. Greenpeace activists set up a solar-powered microgrid for the village in 2014 with much publicity. Problems emerged immediately with the load put on the solar “grid,” as households began hooking up appliances such as television sets, electric water heaters, irons, and air conditioners. At the official opening of the solar power system, the villagers protested with banners saying, “we want real electricity, not fake electricity.” “Real” meant power from the central grid generated mostly using coal. “Fake’ referred to intermittent and dilute solar power. In great irony, embarrassed state officials facing the press at the gala opening of the Greenpeace-promoted solar showpiece ensured that the village was soon connected to the coal-fired power grid.

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Ed McQuarrie talks the REAL History of Stocks and Bond performance.

Hey Conservative Christians!

This is what your unwavering support of Israel gets ya.


You sure we’re supporting the right people?

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