Josh Scandlen
News • Business • Education
Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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Access to Right Capital for Local Supporters

Hey folks, if you're a monthly supporter on Locals, I'm going to give you access to your personal Right Capital acct. Just send me an email and I'll get you set up.

I need to get more monthly supporters here so I can use Locals more. I need 50 to do more than 1 live stream a week and for longer than 30 minutes too.

If a Right Capital acct is the way to entice more supporters for all fo $5 a month, I'll happily offer that.

Be advised, I do not offer ANY personal assistance to Right Capital for non clients. Just need you to be aware of that. You are on your own and Right Capital client service will not assist either. They simply tell you to contact me. I do not have the time, or desire, to provide any assistance at all.

There are a ton of rabbit holes you can find yourself going down in Right Capital which makes it fun. But again, you're on your own.

What we can do though is once I get that 50 subscriber base we can set up livestreams where we go over Right Capital stuff here on Locals and you can ask questions and even provide guidance as to what you're doing with it.

I've had Right Capital users tell ME of various things they found in the software that I wasn't aware of. It's pretty cool actually.

Anyway if you're a monthly supporter and want access just send me an email.


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