More on Mad-Cow disease and why it cost us BIG TIME when it came to Covid.
You may or may not know of some UK "scientist" named Neil Ferguson from the Imperial College of London (ICL). Well, he was the whole reason the COVID crap happened to begin with.
Yet, his predictions going back at least 20 years have AlWAYS been wrong. And because his insanity the world slaughtere untold thousands of animals to fight off Mad-cow, bird flu, swine flu etc.
More farmers in the UK died by suicide because of clowns like Ferguson than anyone did from the Human-version of madcow, Creutzfield-Jakob disease (CJD).
Yet, because Ferguson is a scientist version of Stephen King, peddling horror stories, he always pops up in the media... and WE ALL FALL FOR IT!
Next time let's listen to REAL FARMERS and REAL SCIENTISTS like the late Mark Purdey when he stated in 2004:
"Had the global health authorities taken serious note of my observations when they were first published in the scientific literature, then we would have got to the root cause of this grotesque disease several years ago–thereby preventing much human and animal suffering, as well as economic upheaval across the world.
It is a disgraceful state of affairs, that the mere arrogance and ignorance of a handful of powerful unilateral official advisors can be allowed to thwart the healthy evolution in our understanding of the causes of important modern diseases, such as TSEs. Governments need to be sourcing their advice from a more lateral base of independent expertise in future."
Ed McQuarrie talks the REAL History of Stocks and Bond performance.
How Commodities funds can help diversification with Stocks and Bonds and usually not correlated to either
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