More Isiah gravy! 22:2
Now, when you open your Good Book and start reading, you’ve GOT to stay active - don’t let your mind wander. Trust me, if you do you will miss parts that are most wonderful like this:
“0 Town full of commotion, 0 city full of tumult and revelry.
Your slain were not killed by the sword, nor did they die in battle,
All your leaders have fled together, they have been captured without using the bow.
All you who were caught were taken prisoner together
Having fled with the enemy was still far away.”
Man, tell me this doesn’t describe us in the last 3 years! Our leaders “fled together “ indeed. Fled from righteousness and were captured by the lust of unlimited power assuring the destruction of this once great land WITHOUT even a shot being fired .
And most Americans went right along with it, being “taken prisoner (by fear) while the enemy (danger) was still far away.
Next time anyone asks “why didn’t the Germans/Russians/Cambodians etc do something?”
I’m gonna ask that person their Vax status and walk away
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