Josh Scandlen
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Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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I simply can't state how cool this is! This is the letter to the editor from Irish Physicist George Fitzgerald suggesting the reason for the Michelson/Morley "failure" to prove the Ether...or let's be frank, to prove the earth is actually moving.

Now, M/M was NOT a null result as everyone claims, it just that the Ether didn't move as much as they anticipated.

Anyway, so Fitzgerald proposed that the "length of material bodies changes" depending on the direction of Earth's velocity. Of course there was no experiment validating this claim. But for the Ether to exist, or again the Earth to move, this HAD to be. And VOILA! he had math to prove it!

Then Lorentz came along with a similar proposition, about length contraction. Again no evidence of physical things actually shrinking in size until Einstein "wrote his paper on special relativity in 1905, in which he argued that for objects moving relative to any reference frame, distance is shortened and time slows down, and the adjustment factor is the FitzGerald-Lorentz equation"

Remember Einstein said the Ether was "superfluous" yet both Fitzgerald and Lorentz were true believers in the Ether and thus created the idea of physical objects contracting in which to continue to prove its existence.

Folks, this is the basis for all modern physics. Do you see how absurd this all is? We can't prove length contraction. We can't prove dark matter. The definition of gravity has changed remarkably over time.

Einstein himself was an unknown until the Eddington experiment claimed to prove General Relativity which of course did not. Yet try to get a job in a physics department challenging general relativity never mind SPECIAL relativity. Ain't gonna happen.

So what's the likelihood of getting a job if you believe in a Creator? Almost zero. So why do Christians continue to follow these guys as if they have the answers? They don't! They are not open to debate. Thus they are not truthseekers. Do not allow them to get between you and your love of God.,A%20Treatise%20on%20Electricity%20and%20Magnetism%2C%20in%201873.

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