Since 1922 the physicists, the other scientists and the media moguls have created a large, secretive action group
against the public in Germany, a cartel of censorship and boycott to prevent the very existence of any form of
criticism of the special theory of relativity from becoming known.
One can well describe the events of 1922 as a conspiracy, as the agreement of a group of persons led by Planck,
v. Laue, Born and Einstein to engage in clandestine, joint activities to the detriment of the public at large, in which
scientific freedom in the field of theoretical physics would be done away with and the public would be deluded into
believing in the primitive knockabout comedy of a candid, objectively critical natural science. These academic
scientists henceforth behave as liars and cheaters.
The conspiracy was a complete success. For the critics the
catastrophic result can already be seen in 1922 in Leipzig - with the exclusion of criticism from the centenary
celebrations - as well as in the subsequent years.
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