That's weird, from two GA Tech scientists in 1965 talking about atmospheric oscillation.
Weird because if the earth were spinning why would you ever want to run tests assuming it's not? Reminds me of Einstein's famous quote. "Since then I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment, though the Earth is revolving around the Sun.”
"A model frequently used is that of a flat, nonrotating earth. The temperature is assumed either to be constant,to increase or decrease monotonically with altitude, or to be stratified. Gravity is usually considered to be constant.
Density and pressure are usually considered to vary exponentially with altitude.
The most one can profitably simplify the problem is to consider an isothermal
atmosphere, plane level surfaces, and a nonrotating earth. This case has been
handled by Eckart [1960], Lamb [1932], and Hines [l96O].
Eckart [l960] went through a second derivation in which the effect of the
earth's rotation was included. He again found that certain frequencies are not allowed and the
acoustic and gravity waves are similar to the ones already described. Figures
2 and 3 show these allowed frequencies versus wave number in the cases of a nonrotating and a rotating earth.
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