Josh Scandlen
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Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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Einstein and Maxwell Don't Agree

What if everything you've been told about Einstein was WRONG??? Would that change how you view the world? Well it does mine.

I'm in a DEEP DIVE about the origins of the Einsteinian stardom and let's just say I have questions. LOTS of 'em.

Let's start here, shall we?

Maxwell believed in an Ether. Einstein didn't and his Special Theory supposedly demolished the need for an ether to exist. Einstein just postulated it wasn't need and VOILA! out it goes.

Yet here is Big Al himself stating 1905 "The principle of the constancy of the velocity of light is of course contained in Maxwell's Equations."

Even Stephen Hawking wrote in 2007, "Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity grew out of a simple observation. The theory of electromagnetism discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the 1860s showed that whether we are moving toward or away from a beam of light, the light will always approach you at the same speed. This is not true of our experience in the everyday world.

What??? Lot to unpack there, in particular our ACTUAL experience. But for this exercise let's move beyond that and just see what Maxwel himself had to say.

In the last thing he wrote he "plainly undermines the claim that he believed, or his equations predicted, that the speed of light would be the same in all reference frames." (page 65, Bethell "Questioning Einstein"

Do you see what's happening here? You can't use Maxwell to "prove" special relativity and then also throw out the rest of Maxwell's thoughts were regarding and ether and speed of light.

That'd be like saying "Tom Brady made the Patriots into the dynasty they were." And then saying "The Patriots didn't need Tom Brady to win those Super Bowls."

Makes no sense. But why has this silliness taken over in the Mainstream since 1919 when Eddington's false experiment "proved" Einstein?

This is what I can't quite get my finger on. I have ideas but man, oh man, what is the goals of the Globalists?

Anyway, just some random thinking as I remain in youtube suspension.

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