Just wait until the Muslims who rule London and other formerly English cities begin banning alchohol in those areas.
I find it extraordinary how people who obviously recognize that American Indians no longer make the laws or define the social mores in the United States and celebrate the fact that Arabs no longer make the laws or define the social mores in Israel, continually fail to grasp that their laws and their social mores are not going to survive the mass immigration into their countries.
No beer and no homosexuality? Whatever is anyone going to do for fun around over there?
Ed McQuarrie talks the REAL History of Stocks and Bond performance.
How Commodities funds can help diversification with Stocks and Bonds and usually not correlated to either
This article shows people are pulling money out of mutual funds and putting it into index funds an example is VOO. Also Vanguard Primecap and Core fund opened the fund due to them both because of money being pulled out. INDEX ETF's way to go tax efficient and low expenses