For those of you who have the ability to SEE, you'll want to read this.
"To address its charge, the committee requested from consultant Martin Kulldorff a commissioned paper on study designs that could be used to assess the safety of the immunization schedule."
Let me explain what's going on here. The IOM convened a panel of experts to validate the safety and efficacy of the CDC recommended vax schedule for children. They hired out Martin Kulldorff to lead the way. Who is Martin Kulldorff you might ask?
Well "is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a biostatistician at the Brigham and Women's Hospital. He serves on scientific advisory committees to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control."
So, when it came to the study of vaccines in the past Dr. Kulldorff was a man without peer essentially. Yet fast forward to today and Francis Collins said Kulldorff and others as "fringe epidemiologists."
Apparently, Kulldorff wasn't fringe when pushing the vax narrative in the past but he is now when he's questioning it.
Now that my friends is SCIENCE! And if you believe that, well, me and George Strait got something to sell you.
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