Allrighty, so the universe is supposedly 13.7 BILLION years old, eh? The distance across the universe is something like 50 to 100 billion light years. No one knows, mind you, it's ALL just speculation.
The Hubble telescope can't quite see beyond 13.3 Billion light years, which is very convenient. Because if it COULD see 13.7 Billion light years it would be able to see the days before the Big Bang when there was nothing, literally before the dawn of all creation. Remember, Hubble is seeing today happened 13.3 BILLION years ago.
Oddly enough NASA says "All the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect or even comprehend."
So, I guaran-flippin'-tee you, instead of Hubble being able to see 13.8 billion light years, i.e., BEFORE creation, they'll simply say, "oops, turns out we were wrong. The universe is actually 15 BILLION years old, or 20 Billion years old etc.. Sorry, for the inconvenience."
Point being is that noone knows NOTHING! The evolutionists and secularists are resting on faith even MORE than us wacky Christians. But because they control the purse strings in the federal government they get away with it.
My fellow Christians, don't be intimidated by the credentialed elite with their incomprehensible babel. Simply say to them, "Prove it." They can't. anymore than you or I can.
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