Josh Scandlen
News • Business • Education
Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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New Zealand - where they require the inmates to pay for their imprisonment.

"The intention is that everybody who is required or elects to isolate in an MIQF must pay the charges unless the regulations provide otherwise."

What is MIQF you ask? " managed isolation or quarantine (MIQ) facilities"
oh but it gets better:
"32P Restrictions on movement within MIQFs or other places of isolation or quarantine
A person required under a COVID-19 order to reside for any period in an MIQF or other place of isolation or quarantine must remain in their room, except—
to do an activity (such as taking fresh air) authorised, and subject to any conditions imposed, by the chief executive.
The chief executive may seize and hold anything that a person in isolation or quarantine in an MIQF possesses in the MIQF."

It gets even better.

"For the purpose of enforcing or monitoring compliance with a COVID-19 order that restricts movement by persons with or without vehicles, a constable may stop a vehicle at any road block or checkpoint established for that purpose."

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Ed McQuarrie talks the REAL History of Stocks and Bond performance.

Hey Conservative Christians!

This is what your unwavering support of Israel gets ya.


You sure we’re supporting the right people?

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