"Electricity prices are usually highest in the summer
The cost to supply electricity changes minute by minute. However, most consumers pay rates based on the seasonal cost of electricity. Changes in prices generally reflect variations in electricity demand, availability of generation sources, fuel costs, and power plant availability. Prices are usually highest in the summer when total demand is high because more expensive generation sources are added to meet the increased demand"
hmmm...what could possibly be "more expensive generation sources" in the summer???? hmm.... What could that be?
Ed McQuarrie talks the REAL History of Stocks and Bond performance.
How Commodities funds can help diversification with Stocks and Bonds and usually not correlated to either
This article shows people are pulling money out of mutual funds and putting it into index funds an example is VOO. Also Vanguard Primecap and Core fund opened the fund due to them both because of money being pulled out. INDEX ETF's way to go tax efficient and low expenses