Josh Scandlen
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Destroying the doom and gloom when it comes to retirement planning and lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and by the way, always giving glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ! He comes first. Always.
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Obviously these docs are "anti-science"...and stuff.

"From March 1 to July 31, 2021, a total of 227 UCSDH health care workers tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by reverse-transcriptase–quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-qPCR) assay of nasal swabs; 130 of the 227 workers (57.3%) were fully vaccinated.

Symptoms were present in 109 of the 130 fully vaccinated workers (83.8%) and in 80 of the 90 unvaccinated workers (88.9%).

No deaths were reported in either group; one unvaccinated person was hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2–related symptoms.

Vaccine effectiveness was calculated for each month from March through July; the case definition was a positive PCR test and one or more symptoms among persons with no previous Covid-19 infection. Vaccine effectiveness exceeded 90% from March through June but fell to 65.5% in July.

As observed by others in populations that received mRNA vaccines according to standard Emergency Use Authorization intervals,5 our data suggest that vaccine effectiveness against any symptomatic disease is considerably lower against the delta variant and may wane over time since vaccination.

Our findings underline the importance of rapidly reinstating nonpharmaceutical interventions..."

Now they go on to suggest a bunch of other crap to deal with this. More masking of course. Increased vaccines and boosters, of course.
They DO want to keep their funding after all. But the masks are coming off, FINALLY!

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