The “pandemic” was planned for the last 20 years. Fauci (and Gates, others) have been wanting a universal Vax — dating back into the 80s for Fauci.... primary reason money, power, and population control - weeding out the old or sick and making the young less fertile. Klaus Schwab spells it out in his book - Covid-19 and the Great Reset... where he talks about a goal of reducing 1-2 billion population of the “eaters” from the world.
It seems they had planned the pandemic for 2021 (Hillary 2nd term) and the universal Vax for about 2025..after years of lockdown, fear, and mask conditioning to the point everyone line up for their freedom and take the shot and as many as needed... to keep safe and be allowed to go out. Economy would crash esp in Western world while Asia (CCP) and Islamic countries would thrive and equalize power with west for global communist/Islamic rule.
Instead Trump got in and they had to defeat him so China released the gain of function SARS (in cooperation with Fauci, Baric, Dasak, and Gates) from Wuhan and spread it through the western world with lots of death (the nursing home debacle in big blue cities, the remdisiver (spelled wrong), the ventilators, no outpatient treatment even vitamins!!, HCQ banned by bogus study that gave it too late in hospitals with close to lethal doses etc., was necessary to drive the FEAR and get people to give up their rights and do whatever they are told to avoid illness and death - masks, lockdowns, etc. Still no HCQ or a ivermectin though it’s been proven to work miracles all over the world. And keep it going and going - no treatment, vulnerable go to hospital when they get bad and cannot breath and full of blood clots etc. and high likelihood of death... And you know the big etc, big media, big Corp, big gov agency push on the Narrative to drive everything and allow no other facts or data or dissent to be heard anywhere.
Their real plan was to have this go on and on for several years while the magic jab was being developed (though they already had all the patents for years) and keep people from communicating and gathering at churches, schools, etc. and getting the central narrative... and have people so cowering in fear afraid they would die and not be able to travel etc that they’d gladly line up for the population reducing (via immune compromise and young Vax, Vax passports, which would lead to digital ID, currency, etc.
I think this is as close to the truth as we can get ... it might be worse actually. It’s definitely closer to truth than we are continually are being fed lie after lie.... and people are dying and being mentally and emotionally murdered as well....
There is hope and truth peeking out all around however... pray it comes out and God has his vengeance soon..
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